Saturday, 5 September 2009

Customer Reviews The Settlers of Catan

The primary, and best, addition in this 4th edition of Settlers is a very nice interlocking border which is placed around the game tiles. This replaces the individual hex tiles of previous editions. No longer will your tiles/pieces scatter/split apart when someone accidentally bumps the playing surface! One side of the border has the ports "built in" but you still get a bit of randomness when assembling the pieces. The flip side of the border is blank "sea" on which you can put the included port tokens for a truly random placement.

The updated graphics are nice and colorful but take a bit of getting use to if you regularly play with an older edition.

The box has a vacu-formed type insert designed to hold all the pieces and keep everything neat.

All-in-all a nice upgrade to the 3rd edition.

It's a simple sounding premise: You gather resources in order to build roads and settlements to earn points.

However, there is a wonderful randomness which lends complexity to the game as the layout of the game board tiles differs with each play right down to the number on the dice needed to harvest a resource from a given buy mayfair This makes *every* game unique. Strategy comes into play as you must determine the best location for your settlements and roads to get maximum value/points.

If you've never played Settlers, find someone who has a copy and give it a try. If no one you know owns a copy, go to your local comic shop. Odds are someone there will have a copy readily available and delight in teaching the game to a new player! It's easy to learn, difficult to master, and quick to play with a typical game lasting only an hour or less. best buy mayfair

This is one of the truly classic games and belongs on the shelf of anyone who enjoys board buy mayfair

Thanks Customer Reviews by Amazon


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